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NOAA's newest Satellite Launch
Explanation Summary


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has recently launched a new Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) on SpaceX’s ‘Falcon Heavy’ Rocket.

It was launched at 5:26 PM EDT frm Kennedy Space Center, Florida, United States.

The newest Satellite called GOES U/19 is the fourth and final satellite in the GOES-R Series.


GOES-19 will work in tandem with GOES-18, which serves as “GOES West.” Together, these satellites will watch over more than half the globe – from New Zealand to the west coast of Africa and from near the Arctic Circle to the Antarctic Circle.

The current GOES East (GOES-16) will become an on-orbit backup.


Liftoff happened at 5:26 PM EDT without problems.

Both of the side boosters were decoupled at about T+00:02:30, Booster 1 and 2 Landed at about T+00:08:09 and T+00:08:14 respectively.

The Satellite was successfully dropped off in Geostationary Orbit at T+04:30:11, it has a planned lifespan of about 15 years.

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